Monday, September 5, 2011

The Wake up call of a Gimp.

Last Monday I somehow hurt myself getting out of car and was left with a gimpy left hip.  Talk about torture esp the first night! The Antique was no relief at all. To my horror the chair was becoming a more appealing apparatus to use. The mothership was right I should be doing more excerise....

I used to do excerise religiously every day when I was a kid. Even went abroad to do intense excerise numerous times.  All this was done by the mothership as personal trainer cracking the whip.  Blood, tears, and curses were shed but  without that excerise I wouldnt be where I am now minus the gimpy hip. Once secondary school and social life entered the equation the excerise regime dwindled to nothing. Yes I know all the facts how excerise is good but laziness rooted itself. There were times where I shook laziness off and attempted some excerise. Even joined the gym first year in college but only went three times.

Why does it take a drastic step such as getting a gimpy hip to wake me up to reality? Why cant I not be grownup about it and do regular excerise? It won't kill me!  Proof of the pudding: excerise bike healed the gimp! I am going to promise to do some excerise on a regular basis. It won't be as intense as back in the day but def  will get the body in motion. Can't promise that I won't have a relapse but can promise will get straight back on the saddle.

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