Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm a barcode....

No Seriously I am. Got brand spanking new parking pass yesterday in the post complete with  new fangled barcode and dodgy mugshot. Now I could go down the predictable Bridget Jonesque road of Oh woe is me another omen of being stuck on a shelf . Codswallop!  This is the work of EU Big Brother (although if anyone is interested I'm the bar of chocolate you see on the shelf that only certain few can handle)  Right at this moment EU Big Brother (BB to you and I) is sitting at his desk in his big house up in the playing the EU BB version of the Sims!! A typical game would go like this:

EU BB: What would annoy Barcode 1233456789 the most. Hmmm I know lets get a Sim with  no barcode go into a barcoded parking space.

I'm waiting for the call to get CE tattooed  on the sole of my foot  oh the funs of it all

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Buggeration and New Beginnings

Disgraceful I know havent blogged since Babe flew. Not much excitement has happened-. Job ended,  newish job started and job will end on Friday. I dont know how I feel about entering unemployment well technically I wont be couch potatoeing as I am returning to college to do a M. Litt.
1) Relived to be finally having a break. Only days off since Christmas, bar one day in Dublin,  was spent in college trying to sort stuff out.
2) Slightly freaking at the prospect of no money coming in. Had part time job last time around.
3)Excited to be a student once again altho will try and avoid Smokies, canteen and bar as much as possible.
4)Lastly O dear god I cant even update blog on a daily basis what chance do I have writing a 40,000 -45,000 thesis in two years!