Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What will Kids bring in next?

Having a dad as a primary school teacher I got very used to him bringing random stuff home from work-stuff that he confiscated through the schoolday. Normally it would be things like premier league stickers etc objects designed to distract kids from their work however last friday's bounty was hmmmmmmm ..... interesting to say the least.

Dad brought one of these straws (see below) home with him which was quite disturbing
a) it was during the day.
b) didnt think that was his type somehow.

Found out that a kid from the high infants class was playing with it and getting the surrounding kids all excited. They do definitely start younger every year!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

first poem i loved

It used to scare me when my Speech and Drama teacher used to recite it in my Saturday morning class but when I had to perform it  for a grade I grew to love it:


I SAW the Devil walking down the lane 
Behind our house. There was a heavy 

Strapped tightly on his shoulders, and 

the rain 
Sizzled when it hit him. He picked 

a rag 
Up from the ground and put it in his 

And grinned and rubbed his hands. 

There was a thing 

Moving inside the bag upon his back- 
It must have been a soul ! I saw it 

And twist about inside, and not a 


Or cranny for escape ! Oh, it was 

sad ! 
I cried, and shouted out, " Let out 

that soul ! " 
But he turned round, and, sure, his 

face went mad, 
And twisted up and down, and he 

said " Hell ! " 
And ran away

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ice and babies

Apologies for the lack of posting in the last while I was recuperating  after finishing Core's course (miss those crazy nuts) and the wonderfully pathetic solution for the recession that is otherwise known as the 4 year plan has sapped all creative posting ideas. Today is the 1st of December and there's a real wintery buzz  about the place-ice, snow and sitting beside an open fire.

Weekend was full of babies (thankfully not mine) it was the materiach's 88th birthday celebrations on Sunday and we all gathered at her house for a  mini  shindig and place were swarming with babies well ok just three ranging from 1 month to a year. Maddness trying to juggle babies when they are literally plonked on top of you :P I hadn't seen the twinlets for a few months so it was amazing to see the difference a few months make on their personality and motor skills esp when you compare  them to a one month real version of the Baby Born doll .

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Potter and Time

Dear god Harry Potter rocked the joint. Queued  for ages outside theatre door  for the audience of the previous showing of  HP to come out. Every person that came out had a stunned expression which added  to the hype surrounding the film. The only pitfall  was the casting of Luna Lovegood's father-Rhys Ifans they cast three Irish actors could they not afford a fourth one?????

The presentation was successful  as a whole did not fall or giggle. Saw a picture of myself  doing Time in the presentation and I never saw myself look so serious which kinda threw me off guard. Good outcome of course Galway might have new theatre company watch this space....

Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter Day

I have mixed emotions about today while I cant wait to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows it's one step closer to the end. Also I was raging after the last HP film as chunks of the book were missing that are revelevant to things that happens in the last book. Yes I know most film adaptions fall into the pit fall but one can still dream. Unlike the last time I havent read the book in preparation for the film so fustration levels will be low or so I hope...

Here's some pics to celebrate the Potter years:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

7 reasons why GardaĆ­ make horrific hackney drivers!!

Two nights ago I took a hackney home from class using my regular hackney. It was a newbie driver that was going to take me home now normally I treat newbies with kid gloves as it does take some time to get used to The Antique. But this guy was the exception to the rule:

  1. Couldn't fold The Antique (in fairness its hard to do but he only tried for a few seconds).
  2. Took a call from a friend  on the way and spent 15 minutes talking shit to him/her (he parked ).
  3. Asked me if I seen his cap it was on  his head.
  4. At my house he didnt have the cop on that I would need room to stand up onto The Antique. It took 5 attempts of moving the car to get it right.
  5. On one of the attempts he nearly drove over The Antique.
  6. Nearly fell when the car door hit me even though I asked him to hold the door for me he didnt!!
  7. Did this weird whistling sound with his nose.
Yesterday I found out that it was his first and last night on the job apparently he was dozey throughout the whole night and got a right bollocking from the owner. Not only that but found out that  he was a retired Garda with two B&B's in town. Doesn't he not have enough euros to buy doughnuts??? He must have got his training at Chief Wiggum's Police Academy!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The passing of a legend

I have a tendency to regard people that I admire as invincible so it is always a shock to hear the opposite. My favorite lecturer from college passed away recently and I feel its appropiate to use this blog as an outlet to express my gratitute for knowing her.

 I was in her lecture and seminar classes throughout my college years and they were one of the very few classes that I wouldn't miss come Hail or Shine. Her classes were always full and in demand with many students fighting tooth and nail to be one of the chosen few to attend her seminars. She was a tough marker but yet she was fair in her criticisms. Because of you ,Ros, I now never make the dreaded mistake of not backing up my statements.

It was during my MA year that I saw Ros the person not just Ros the lecturer. One memorable occasion was when I was stressed over some petty person's antics and she brought me into her office sayin I'm daft for crying and then saying something sensible yet sympathetic, and then  lightened the mood by making me have a giggle fit over something funny.

It will take a long time for the Ros shaped hole to heal but I'm glad I'm one of the lucky ones who knew her. Unfortunately I'm not much of a writer but this poem  I found sums up this loss:

A ship sails and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon and someone at my side says
She is gone.
Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as large now as when I last saw her.Her diminished size and total loss from my sight is in me, not in her.
And just at that moment, when someone at my side says she is gone, there are others who are watching her coming over their horizon and other voices take up a glad shout -There she comes!


                                   Thank you for everything Ros may you rest in peace xxx♥♥♥

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Core of it all

It's the final week of Core and while I'll rejoice in getting re-connected with the bed and friends(not at the same time) but I will miss the crazy hecticness of the past 10 weeks. Galway is advertised as a City of Art and Culture yet people have to go to the BIG SHMOKE or abroad . Core hopefully will change all that. In a nutshell the course, as it stands, covers Micheal Chekhov acting technique, Method acting, Lecoq technique, production and theatre history and numerous theatre professionals giving masterclasses. Core may be in its infancy but I'm certain in the future that it will be the anchor for actors to stay in the west.  For more info check out http://www.coretheatrecollege.com/

Thanks Max and the 2 Judes for starting Core

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Fringe

When hairdressers asked the question Do you want a fringe? it used to send shivers down my spine. Fringes were the fake tan of yester-year there is so many ways it can go wrong.(Check out photos from the 80's) However in recent years  there has been more successes than disasters and so I decided to dabble in side fringes until last weekend...duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuh.......the hairdresser suggested I'd go  the full hog- a thick full fringe. Panic hit me like a runaway train I have a wedding to go to in less then 3 weeks and do i really want to be the cause of bad wedding photos?  I nervously succumbed to the scissors and lo and behold I am now the proud owner of a fully fledged fringe.

Note for anyone thinking of getting one it keeps your forehead cosy 

Friday, November 12, 2010

3rd post in

I already have the blogger's block and have no idea what to write. I blame  it on the  many bumps my head received through out d many years -the most recent being last night. Twas the tailend of class  Phileomna Healy Really aka me was presenting Twatty Tv when got The Antique got tangled in blue television cables and went flying and my head snogged the chair.  Have to say the Antique stole the spotlight and put the rest of us into shame.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Bag on The Antique

Girls tend to treat their bags as tenderly as they would treat a new born....except for me.  The bag in question is attached to The Antique by two industrial sized pins, now this bag has many guises over the years ie size and number of compartments but it's always faithful black. The current bag while decent in size lacks a good number of compartments so its like searching in  a endless pit of crap when I try to get anything out of it. The bag also doubles up as a free cloakroom on night outs where a limited few get to put their possessions in the  bag. At the moment in the bag lies the remains of a hen night that a bridesmaid had stored in there- a packet of sparklers and a packet of hen dare cards.(Dare cards were not used on the night.)

 The bag usually is attached to The Antique the majority of the time except when I'm going overseas. However the bag is taken on and off on a  nearly daily basis these days so I can climb The Wall faster (more about that later) Now the challenge is not in the takin off but the putting on. There is no set way to put it back onto The Antique majority of the time it's just pot luck. What may have worked before may not work again. Story of my life not a simple thing as a bag is simple :P

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Golden Centres, of Absurdity

diet Coke raindrop catchin on the lining whisperin tormented time crouched over italian culture. My first blog post and I'm already scaring people :D Anywho hopefully I havent scared many away and congrats to the brave that stayed. This is my first attempt on the whole blog scenario and hopefully it will last longer then my weak attempts of keeping a diary back in  the wonder years.

Im at the tailend of a course where i have been material, the elements, colours of the rainbow and my centre is a golden ball , surrealist writing amongst other things and no it isn't a DIY grow your  own  weed course -its an arty farty acting course. Theatre for me is the probably the only thing ,apart from my love for the Bowie,that keeps my sanity in check in the midst of the absurdity that is my life. I'm the prototype of the friend of the friend that weird stuff happens to them-ie the only time to ever have to go to Casualty, despite having a walker, was because I couldn't close my mouth. The soundtrack to this absurdity is insane giggles and  according to comedian Jason Byrne I laugh backwards and this laugh has gotten me into mayor doodoo- laughing at inappropiate times such as funerals. Anyway this is just a wee flavour of the absurdity that shadows my life  and to be honest I have no idea where this blog is going to lead! Is it going to stop at this entry or continue along who the hell knows?