Sunday, October 9, 2011

It will always be called the Junction.......

I'm thinking blog entries will be an weekly event from now on. I'm trying to have as little online distraction as possible when I'm in college- no msn or skype what so ever, minor usage of email and Facebook. It does help that college's wifi  is pretty dire at the mo.

Going back to academic life really  does feel like I made the right decision. It feels like slipping on my fave hoody- secure and warm bit patchy in places but great. Obviously there has been few changes since I was last a student.

  1. College canteen and cafe have changed hands. I never was a fan of canteen food but was mildly impressed when the Asian counter cooked my lunch from scratch in front of me. I admit it wasn't the healthest option available but it wasn't saturated in old grease as it would have been six years ago. The cafe have changed hands a couple times when I was in college last. It started off as the Junction and now it's Starbucks. Oddly enough it is only during college that I have the urge to drink coffee. My favorite beverage is hazlenut latte.
  2. Student  id card is more then a way of issuing books and getting a discount from New Look. You can now use it as swipe card if you are privileged enough to enter restricted areas. You now can buy print credits online ( good job I have an O2 money card) and you use your id card to print/copy/scan. The SU have this card that acts like a loyalty card to be honest I'm not 100% how it works but will figure it out.
  3. Even though I have the same student id number from ten years ago my college email address has changed.
Despite these changes some old characters are still around ie weird guy from modern dance soc who came running into the college radio couple years back saying the aliens are coming to get us, little green little red man still in the college bar and of course the WONDERFULLY FANTASTIC Hubie who technically retired last year but hasn't and hopefully will never leave campus. All in all it was a good first week! :D

Monday, October 3, 2011

D-day tomorrow

After years wishing I was back in college It's finally happening tomorrow. I must admit it does feel pretty surreal going back but i know it was the right descision to make. Recession was the final push I needed to do this. I have been lucky in getting 'real' jobs since graduating but I couldn't see myself  being happy to stay in those places twenty years time. Theatre is my passion and getting the opportunity to do  research  on this topic for two years hopefully more. I'm also a tad nervous as I'm venturing out of the comfort zone of making theatre and re-entering the world of academia.

Don't get me wrong I'm more then capable adapting to this newish world but after six years out of it I'm bound to be rusty.  I hope I don't 100% leave the world  of making theatre that I will always have a foot or two in proceedings. My goal/aim is to bring the practicalities of theatre making into academia. Not to disrepect any theatre studies lecturers  I have had  and who I meet in the future I'm not much of a fan of productions being dissected too academically. During college last time round I had to sit through two hours academic debate about how a theatre company had a stone wall for a keypoint  of the set for one of their production.  My answer is and still remains: The play is set in an area where you literally can't go around the bend without seeing same wall. Anyhoo wish me luck tomorrow.........

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Holy Monkey Brains

I was in middle of writing blog entry yesterday about The Pink One and I going to the cinema and  how ads for films are not relible when I got an email saying I could proceed to register for college online. Blog immediately forgotten and straight into the first stage of registering. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK.............Username and Password Not Valid!!!!

I immediately went straight to the college I wasn't going to bother try fix situation from home.  Luckily the first person I bumped into was my  supervisor we quickly arranged a meeting for later that afternoon. Got registered (wasn't recognised by computer services), paid fees *sobs*  and got SU card (yaaay will finally get paid from ALIVE). Had meeting with supervisor. Got first mini deadline............EEEEEEEEEErk. Will hopefully be getting a pod in the post grad room soon.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

I told you I'd tell ye........

Wooop after many weeks of blood tears and sweat shed I finally know my course code and now can proceed to registering (well after two or three working days) I must admit I did hestiate before clicking Apply in order to officially accept my place in the course.  If I'm getting stressed over the idiotness of admin how stressed will I be in writing a thesis?  But as long as I keep my head down I'll be grand.....right?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Story of a Prick!

As most of ye know at this rate I pulled my muscle (otherwise known as the Gimp) a couple of weeks ago. It improved for a few days and became a literal pain once again. Visit to doc part deux happened yesterday. Leg was twiddled about in all different angles and directions(doc's way of making sure I really DO need happy pills) Once it was confirmed that yes happy pills are indeed needed the doc happily announced that an injection was also needed!

HOLD THE PHONE I never agreed to get pricked! Didn't he not remember that I'm the same girl that once had to be held down by two people in order to get blood test done and scared the bejaysus out of the other patients with my screaming. With only the Antique there for moral support I squeezed my eyes shut preparing myself for the agonizing pain that was to come....Nothing, Nada no pain!! I have hurt myself more by blindly putting in an earring. Few seconds later, I began to feel a light fluffy sensation across my left side and half my behind. Its an odd feeling when only part of your body is on a high. According to doc my injury is more common for footballers and such atheletes to get. Kind of reminds me of Irish weather we get the tailend of  America's hurricanes and none of the benefits of their hot weather. C'est la vie!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fringe Revisted

Most people know that I have this obsession with good hair. Hair is the first thing I notice in a person male or female. I can't describe what good hair is as it usually varies from person to person. I have been known to say "Good hair maketh the man " (although ironically two of my previous boyfriends had receding hair ...but thats another story) Despite this love affair with good hair I'm not high maintence with my own. I don't do the recommended every 6 weeks trip to the hairdresser for trim. Colourwise I usually let the streaks grow out and never bother topping it up for a few years.

However since becoming the proud owner of the Fringe I have been at my usual hairdresser more regularly to get it trimmed otherwise I'd resemble Cousin It from Addams Value plus it's free. This weekend I went to my local to get it done as between the jigs and the reels I hadn't the chance to pop into the usual place. I was a tad nervous to be honest going into a new place also it didn't help that the previous time I went to a local hairdresser I came home with crooked hair. It turned out to be okish bit short for my liking but overall not bad. I doubt I'll revisit unless I'm stuck again and
it wasn't free

Friday, September 23, 2011

If I knew i would tell you....

As you  know I'm in limboland regarding college yada yada which is pretty stressful in itself. But I'm sick to the back teeth of people asking when I'm starting college and when I say I don't know they respond with: when will you know? Same answer also applies! If I got a €1 for every person that asks I'd be able to pay someone to do thesis when I'm actually in college.

Don't get me wrong I appreciate the thought of people thinking of me (or that  gossips think my life is interesting enough to talk about) but please take give it a breather for a whileín. I promise to let ye know when I know.....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A late entry

I know I know I'm already lagging in blogging but things have gone doolala in the labyrinth of late. The mothership decided to become a door and get keyhole done so have been busy nursing her back to health and being hostess to her numerous visitors. She's responding well to the keyhole so happy days!

In other news I'm still in limbo land regarding college and there's ONLY 8 days left before registration closes and If nothing happens before I'll be travelling down shit creek. The Gimp is back although not sure was it ever gone. It has been classified as pulled muscle and I had been trying to do too much with it forgetting it does take a while a heal. I have been reading a great trilogy called Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. I started two weeks ago and already I'm on the last book.  It's about this group that protects the world from demons and it's mostly set in New York. Trechnically it's found in the young adult section but I highly recommend it any fantasy ficton fan. Another book I can't wait get my hands on is Deirdre Sullivan's second novel Prim 2 (not real title) which will follow the adventures of Prim and her side kicks Joel and Roderick as they come to terms with growing up. Will Prim get seduced by the Viking? Will Joel move school? Will we see Roderick on X Factor? What baby will get tached next? Time will tell............

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My disco mouse

Got another parcel today from my not so secret admirer- Amazon. Sebastian my laptop's pet mouse croaked last week and a new mouse arrived by stork today. Sebastian is delighted with his pet and hopefully he takes better care of this one.  Isn't he snazzy? Sorry about quality of picture.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

13 going on 28

The film 13 going on 30 was on tv last night and it got me thinking what would i say to my 13 year old self. So I decided to write a note to myself:

 Dear Mairéad,

The nickname Muir is going to stick. Stop moaning about your weight I have seen pics you're skinny. Don't get a short haircut like Gráinne did it won't suit you. Getting your teeth pulled out for brace is no biggie  so stop whinging. Pay more attention in Geography cos you will get paid to give people directions in the future! Don't tell Mrs Heavey you didn't understand the homework you are  A FLUENT SPEAKER that excuse doesn't work.            Don't let Fiona Shaw take pics of you at the Grads or if you do try not to look demented. You say you won't go to college but believe me it's the best thing you'll ever do and you won't want to leave. Keep going to IWA sports day it will stand to you in college.  By the way Stephen Gately was gay (yes i said was but not going to go into that) your gaydar (radar for spotting gays) has been activated but won't really come into play for next few years. Take your time preparing for Acting Dip you need it. For heaven's sake start learning to drive when you are 18. You'll get your 1st job in two years time where you'll stay for ages (it will happen after they do up Siopa an Phobail). Be careful crossing the road on your 20th birthday. 21st birthday will be unforgettable to say the least.

Don't change who you are true friends will stick with you. Giggle fits will get you into trouble. Broken hearts do mend. Get rid of hang ups they are not as big when you face them. Dont mind people when they laugh at your correct pronuncation of mojitos and jalepeanos (trust me they are yum).

See you soon,

Lots of love,

Muir xxx

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Wake up call of a Gimp.

Last Monday I somehow hurt myself getting out of car and was left with a gimpy left hip.  Talk about torture esp the first night! The Antique was no relief at all. To my horror the chair was becoming a more appealing apparatus to use. The mothership was right I should be doing more excerise....

I used to do excerise religiously every day when I was a kid. Even went abroad to do intense excerise numerous times.  All this was done by the mothership as personal trainer cracking the whip.  Blood, tears, and curses were shed but  without that excerise I wouldnt be where I am now minus the gimpy hip. Once secondary school and social life entered the equation the excerise regime dwindled to nothing. Yes I know all the facts how excerise is good but laziness rooted itself. There were times where I shook laziness off and attempted some excerise. Even joined the gym first year in college but only went three times.

Why does it take a drastic step such as getting a gimpy hip to wake me up to reality? Why cant I not be grownup about it and do regular excerise? It won't kill me!  Proof of the pudding: excerise bike healed the gimp! I am going to promise to do some excerise on a regular basis. It won't be as intense as back in the day but def  will get the body in motion. Can't promise that I won't have a relapse but can promise will get straight back on the saddle.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

List of requirements

My presence in college will be so valuable that a PA will be required. :P Was asked by the powers that be to come up with a list of requirements for such a person. I wonder will I get away with putting down: Must do thesis of  40,000-45,000 words in the timeframe of two years. Probably not. It's odd writing such a list as I don't want to seem like a demanding doodaa but also worried that will forget to put down something that may be of high importance  in months to come. This experience does bring to mind the list of requirements that the kids in the film Mary Poppins compile in their search for the perfect Nanny:

If you want this choice position
Have a cheery disposition
Rosy cheeks, no warts
Play games, all sorts
You must be kind, you must be witty
Very sweet and fairly pretty
Take us on outings, give us treats
Sing songs, bring sweets
Never be cross or cruel
Never give us castor oil or gruel
Love us as a son and daughter
And never smell of barley water
If you won't scold and dominate us
We will never give you cause to hate us
We won't hide your spectacles so you can't see
Put toads in your bed or pepper in your tea
Hurry, Nanny
Many thanks sincerely
Jane and Michael Banks

Thursday, September 1, 2011

David Bowie my book carrying byiatch

Now that I'm re-entering the world of academia I need a bag that will:
a)Inspire me to put academic tools such as books, articles and such stuff into it.
b)Won't dissolve in rain.
c) Continue acid trip theme of leggings (see previous post ).

Found such a miraclous bag on Amazon. Ordered it Saturday and got it in the post yesterday. I'm in love!!  What you guys think????

This season I will .........

resemble an acid trip or something that a rainbow would puke up. I have become obsessed with the coloured leggings that can be found in Penny's these days. So far I have numerous pairs of the following colours:

Royal Blue
Mad Green
Bright Red
Hot Pink
Got orange one in H&M and a mustard one the last day in Penny's But  I really want a pair like this:

Aren't they pwetty? Also these colouredy leggings will be perfect camaflogue for college canteen as it is also very acidy trippy.  Pranking time will happened to people not carrying hot beverages

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm a barcode....

No Seriously I am. Got brand spanking new parking pass yesterday in the post complete with  new fangled barcode and dodgy mugshot. Now I could go down the predictable Bridget Jonesque road of Oh woe is me another omen of being stuck on a shelf . Codswallop!  This is the work of EU Big Brother (although if anyone is interested I'm the bar of chocolate you see on the shelf that only certain few can handle)  Right at this moment EU Big Brother (BB to you and I) is sitting at his desk in his big house up in the playing the EU BB version of the Sims!! A typical game would go like this:

EU BB: What would annoy Barcode 1233456789 the most. Hmmm I know lets get a Sim with  no barcode go into a barcoded parking space.

I'm waiting for the call to get CE tattooed  on the sole of my foot  oh the funs of it all

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Buggeration and New Beginnings

Disgraceful I know havent blogged since Babe flew. Not much excitement has happened-. Job ended,  newish job started and job will end on Friday. I dont know how I feel about entering unemployment well technically I wont be couch potatoeing as I am returning to college to do a M. Litt.
1) Relived to be finally having a break. Only days off since Christmas, bar one day in Dublin,  was spent in college trying to sort stuff out.
2) Slightly freaking at the prospect of no money coming in. Had part time job last time around.
3)Excited to be a student once again altho will try and avoid Smokies, canteen and bar as much as possible.
4)Lastly O dear god I cant even update blog on a daily basis what chance do I have writing a 40,000 -45,000 thesis in two years!